JRG Custom Deck & Design
Home Improvement/Remodeling
About Us
At the heart of our dreams lies a place we call home. As much a feeling as it is a structure, home is what we work for and where we want to be. It’s where we belong. At JRG Custom Deck & Design, we know this feeling. Our customers don’t just buy top-quality materials and designs. They buy a place for children to play, the aroma of steaks on the grill, an extension of their family home. We understand that sense of family and home – we live it with our families in our own homes. And we can make that feeling even better with custom designed decks, screen rooms, sunrooms, and gazebos.
We don’t build houses. We don’t dig pools. Rather, we design and build beautiful enhancements to your home and property. We custom design each project to bring your dreams to life. Because we work as a family-owned business, we can offer the finest materials and workmanship at the best possible price. No one builds a better deck or sun room for less.
Because our commitment to your satisfaction is priority, we guarantee our work from start to finish. We treat every project as though our reputation relies on it – because it does. Your deck or sun room is built to last a lifetime and more. We use only the finest materials customized to meet your needs. We use top crews to bring your dream to a reality. In addition to all the day to day benefits a custom deck brings, it also adds more value to your house and property. Decks and sun rooms are an investment for your home, adding value now and in the future!
Based on your home, budget, and vision, we will create a design that meets all your needs!